Friday, January 20, 2006

End Of The Spear

I am an emotionally challenged individual. What I mean by that is that I tend to keep my emotions tucked away out of view. I can only remember one time that I cried at a movie. It was when E.T. died.

Well, tonight Lynn and I went to see End Of The Spear which is the story of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, and three others who as missionaries to the Auca indians of Ecuador were killed by the indians. What an emotional experience for me.

I was overcome a few times and if I hadn't been in public probably would have wept openly. Every summer I go to South America on mission trips and was in Ecuador last year. I saw in the faces on the screen the faces of the people I spent 10 days with last year.

What moved me so deeply was the selfless love demonstrated by the missionaries themselves and then by the families of the missionaries after their husbands were killed.

Go see this movie! I learned some serious lessons tonight about the nature of our faith and the calling we all have to love the world around us - even when they hate us enough to kill us. I came away being reminded again of how lame my feeble attempts at selfless love really are so much of the time.


At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the movie in Oct when I was at a Willow Creek Conf. They rented out the whole theaters for pastors and I can tell you we were all moved to tears by it. I have been encouraging everyone to see it since it is showing in Carbondale.
Truly an awesome (and well done) film that tells the story of the power of God's love and forgiveness. In one of the promo videos sent to us, there is a statement that truly blew me away. One of the reasons they chose to do the movie was because the Waodani indians have seen the violence in our culture (e.g. Columbine, etc) and said they wanted to let our people know that we have become what they were before finding Christ. They want to offer America hope that we can become a peaceful nation like them! Wow, talk about who is a missionary to who. God help America.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill (Guillermo),
Thanks for the go see the movie. Deb and I will definitely check it out as soon as we can.

It is good to find out how your life is unfolding (with God's help and love). Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Yours in Christ,
Skip (Guillermo tres)

Col. 2:6-7

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bill (or anyone else in Augusta),
Next month, the evening of March 5, the topic at our monthly Intersect meeting will be Jim Elliot. This Intersect service was created with a vision of reaching the 40,000 singles in the Augusta area through culturally engaging presentations of the gospel. If you know someone who has seen this movie (or who hasn't) and would like to engage them a little more in the gospel through it, feel free to join us! 6:30pm at Old MCG Building (Telfair at 6th St)


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