You'd think I'd learn that procrastination is a bad thing. My gas tank was nearing empty last night as I drove home, but I was tired and thought, "eh...I'll do it tomorrow." I thought about doing it on my lunch hour today, but was in a hurry and thought, "eh...I'll do it on my way home."

About 4:30 we got word that panic was sweeping through the city. A major pipeline serving our area and up the east coast had gone out of operation. That along with the devastation of the gulf coast combined to create a nightmare fuel scenario here. Gas stations were running out of fuel as people rushed to fill up before it hits $5.00 a gallon tomorrow like their saying will happen. I made my way toward home with the "empty fuel" light on in my truck. The stations that were open were packed, cars backed up all the way out into the street. Traffic jams, people running out of gas in the road, people yelling at each other and losing their tempers as they jockey for position at the pump, gas stations running out and closing's kind of scary right now in this city of 200,000. I finally managed to get into a station and fill my tank for $55. The picture above is from a convenience store here earlier this afternoon. It's certainly nowhere near as scary as it is on the gulf coast, but I was glad to get back to the apartment. Just now, as I finish this, I see on the news that gas has now hit $6.00 per gallon in Atlanta.
"But man, despite his riches, does not endure; he is like the beasts that perish. This is the fate of those who trust in themselves." ~Psalm 49:12,13
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