Where I Spend My Days

This is a picture I took this morning of the place I work. The brick building and the large black "Wachovia" building make up part of the campus. There are a few other buildings as well that I couldn't get into the frame.

The company I work for is Morris Communications. They own the Augusta Chronicle newspaper along with 32 other newspapers, some radio stations, several magazines, a barrel-horse racing association, and several plantations.
So far I enjoy being here. I see this as a "workplace parish" where I pray God will use me to touch the lives of many, many people. Pray for me; that I will prosper in all I do here but that I won't be distracted from my primary responsibility: "But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere." (Acts 1:8 NLT)
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