Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why I Blog

An e-mail from a new reader:

Hey Bill!

I've been reading intently your blog and I have found some of your writings that speak to me. As a result I want to share some of them as I come across them here on these pages.

Pondering some of the truths you have put forth has told me that this light of yours needs to be shared with others instead of contained for only a few to see or happen upon in your blog.

For this reason I am requesting your permission to share some of those things.

You may not know it, but there are those who may draw strength from you words. They will not admit that they do, but I believe this place has a great many hurting people who by reading some of your works can be helped.

There is a reason that you and I were brought together. Maybe it is for my own edification and renewal. Maybe not. But for sure God will reveal it to us in time and right now I think it has to do with what I am seeking of you in your blog.

Bill there are those here who need your message. Some more than others. Look around and see who might benefit even though they may not seem like a likely candidate to hear from Heaven through you.

Some portions were deleted to protect the identity of the writer. Thank you Father, for giving me words and then using them for the good of others!


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