Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Embarrassed By My Brethren, Part 2 (McClendon, TBN, and Others)

This takes me to a new level of nausea over where segments of "The Church" are going. If you're "charismatic," a follower of Clarence McClendon, or a fan of Trinity Broadcasting Network you MUST read this article published by Charisma magazine:

It's Getting Really Weird Out There


At 9:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, a verse that came to mind was Philippians 1:18
"...The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true,Christ is preached..."
And yet I wonder, how much, exactly, did he mean that to cover? Surely not this...

At 9:43 AM, Blogger ann said...

I don't really know these people you've mentioned so far in these posts. The reason I don't know them is because I turn the channel as soon as anyone begins to preach the prosperity gospel.

It's just about as damaging as watching a show on how psychics have solved crimes. And those crime shows are far more entertaining.

I think, generally speaking, the natural outflow of the prosperity gospel is infidelity. I say that because if God provides us with everything we want, pretty soon everything our flesh wants is suddenly justified by God. It produces spoiled brats that are nothing like the spiritual warriors that Christ intended his church to be.

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Bill said...

Hey Elyse, good to see ya. It would be one thing if they were truly preaching Christ. However, many of these celebrities have crossed the line from the Gospel of Christ into humanistic heresy.

Ann, you should have seen the looks on my co-workers faces when I stood up and applauded after reading your comment. :-)

At 12:25 PM, Blogger ann said...

ha! Right on, brotha!

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's kind of what I was thinking. I just didn't get time to finish my thought. I totally agree with what Ann had to say. I think, too, on a further note, that they start using God as an excuse. I've been looking up different sites on polygamy after the post I made on my xanga, and there are actual ads out there of people trying to find more wives. They use Christ as a reason-- one guy's ad said he believed God told him that he was supposed to have 7 wives. So they take something that they want-- lots of partners-- and turn it into a revelation from God, so that suddenly it's acceptable, or "moral" in their own eyes. One couple said they didn't believe in homosexuality, but that they thought two women getting together was okay, as long as it didn't interfere w/ the husband's part. I think the definition of "homo" is "same", right? So it applies to both genders. I just. . I don't know. It blows me away how people can turn things to satisfy themselves, and think that it actually makes sense...


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